
Escuela Key- a Purple Star Designated School

We are proud that Escuela Key Elementary is designated by the Military Student Support Process Action Team (MSSPAT) as a Purple Star Designated school since 2022.

Escuela Key is proud to be a Virginia Purple Star School! The Virginia Purple Star Designation is awarded to military-friendly schools that have demonstrated a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military. Escuela Key completed all the required activities and has been reviewed by the Virginia Department of Education’s Military Student Support Process Action Team, formed by the Virginia Department of Education. Final approval was made by members of the Virginia Council on the Interstate Compact on the Educational Opportunity for Military Children.

From Daniel Dunham, Military Student and Families Specialist at VDOE,

“The reviewer wishes to affirm the entirety of the application submitted. We wish to encourage the strong relationship your school and division has maintained with the Military School Liaison officers assigned to Joint Base Fort Myers-Henderson Hall. Additionally, the artifacts presented enabled the reviewer to obtain a strong sense of the hard work occurring at the school. The efforts of the peer transition program described was solid. Simply put, the success of transitional support to our military connected students would be nowhere without the efforts of students like these. Wishing them much success!

Again, my compliments on your school’s nomination. Please share my deepest appreciation to the entire school. On behalf of your military connected and newest students please accept my sincerest appreciation for making your school  a welcoming and supportive place.”

Find out more about military families in APS


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