
Counseling Classroom Instruction by Grade Levels

Counseling classroom lessons focus on ASCA (American School Counseling Association) mindsets and behaviors and the VDOE SEL competencies. Listed below is a basic summary of the units that are taught in every grade level.

In the grade level tabs, you will find the specific lessons that will be taught this school year. In addition to the lesson title, you will find the ASCA mindset and behavior the lesson focuses on, and the week the lesson will be taught.  These pages will be updated as new lessons are created or changes are made. Please reach out to the grade level counselor if you have any questions or comments.

Laurie Dodson – Grades VPI, 1, 2, and 5

Marisol Roca – Grades K, 3, and 4


Unit 1: Skills for School and Learning: Students gain skills to help them advance their academic and social lives.  The focus is on using strengths to set and achieve collective and personal goals and learn from challenges and mistakes.

Unit 2: Feelings / Empathy: Students learn to identify and understand their own and others’ feelings.  Strategies to develop and show empathy (understand others’ perspectives) and compassion (empathy in action) are explored.

Unit 3: Emotional Management: Students learn specific skills for regulating strong feelings, such as worry and anger. Self-regulation looks different for every person; it may mean belly breathing, using positive self-talk, counting slowly, or something else.

Unit 4: Problem Solving: Students learn that after they calm down, they can then solve problems with others in a positive way.

Unit 5: Bully Prevention: Students learn that bullying is RUDe (Repeated, Unfair [imbalance of power or strength AND it leaves the target feeling scared or unsafe], Deliberate).  They learn how to Recognize, Refuse, and Report bullying (the 3R’s).  Recognize – The definition of bullying used in Second Step® is “bullying is when someone keeps being mean to someone else on purpose. The person it’s happening to hasn’t been able to make it stop. It is unfair and one-sided.”  We spend a lot of time focusing on “keeps,” “on purpose,” “unfair,” and “one-sided.”  We also emphasize that it isn’t ok to be mean, but not everything that is mean is bullying. Report – When you report bullying you are telling a trusted adult that you have been bullied.  We spend time identifying who the trusted adults are at school. When you report, you use a strong, respectful (assertive) voice. Refuse – When you refuse bullying, you are assertive, stand up straight, face the person you’re refusing, and tell them to stop.  “Stop it. I don’t like when you _____”.  Students who feel too unsafe are encourage to refuse by staying away from the person they think is bullying them and play with other students. Bystanders – When you see or know bullying is happening to someone else, you are a bystander to bullying. How can you help?  Be supportive. Report or help report the bullying. Stand up for someone being bullied. Be respectful and kind. Include everyone. Upstanders – We use this term for people who “stand up” for someone who is being bullied.


ASCA Student Standards: Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success

VDOE Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Guidance Standards