
School Rules

Rules Dress Standard:  Student attire and accessories should be appropriate for an elementary school and should not cause distraction to other students in the learning environment.  Students are expected to wear comfortable clothing appropriate for the season and for school.  Children should have their stomachs and shoulders covered. No underwear should be visible.  Torn and worn out clothing is discouraged, as are extremely short skirts or shorts. Baggy pants or low rider hip-huggers without a belt are unacceptable.  No hats should be worn indoors ( unless previously approved by the administration for medical or religious purposes). T-shirts, slacks and tennis shoes are best for everyday wear at school.  Children should wear shoes that protect their toes and that will allow for running and climbing at recess.  Hair coloring, body art (even temporary) and piercings (other than for girls on their lower earlobes) are not considered appropriate at the elementary school level.

Other School Rules include:

  • Follow the “Golden Rule.”  Treat others the way you would like them to treat you.
  • Be in classroom on time and prepared to work.
  • Be polite, and respectful to everyone.
  • Use polite and appropriate language.
  • Help keep the school neat and clean.
  • Respect the property of others.
  • Use an “inside” voice and walk while in the building.
  • Eat and drink only where permitted.  No chewing gum or candy may be eaten while in the building. (Exception for candy is during class parties or an event where everyone has a piece)
  • Be responsible for your whereabouts and actions.  Never leave the school or school grounds.
  • No weapons, or look alike weapons should be brought to school. (Children from Kindergarten to 5th grade will be suspended if they do.)
  • No toys, games, or electronic games that will be a distraction during class time are permitted.