
Breakfast and Lunch

School Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast and lunch are available each day in the school cafeteria. Students may pay each day or may pay in advance by the week or by the month.  Checks should be made out to Arlington Public Schools.  Applications are included in the first day packets and are also available throughout the year in the school office to apply for reduced price or free breakfast and lunch. It is highly recommended that everyone apply for free-reduced meals, even if you feel you would not want to have your child receive school meals.  Other funding for additional teaching staff as well as scholarships are based on this information.  So, if your family income is around $70,000 or less, please complete the form.

Lunch Tickets / Milk
Lunch ($2.00) and /or milk ($0.50) can be purchased on a daily basis. In addition, 5 day lunch tickets will be available for purchase shortly after the start of the year. Lunchtime can be a difficult adjustment for some children. The noise and confusion of the cafeteria make it hard to focus on eating. It may take a while for your child to get to know the staff members and parent volunteers who assist in the lunchroom. Please send lunch items that can be easily opened by the children themselves. If you child wants to buy lunch, he/she may require some help navigating the cafeteria line initially.

View today’s breakfast and lunch menu